- Flanges and fittings are rated for 150, 300, 600, 900, 1,500 or 2,500 psig.
- Line velocties and pressure drops, with line diameter, D, given in in.; Liquid pump discharge (5 + D/3) ft/s, 2.0 psi/100 ft; liquid pump suction (1/3 + D/6) ft/s, 0.4 psi/100 ft; steam or gas 20D ft/s 0.5 psi/100 ft.
- Control valves require at least a 10 psi drop for good control.
- Screwed fittings are used only on sizes 1.5 inch; smaller, flanged or welded fittings are used otherwise.
The information is arranged by commonly recognised categories. In some instances, definitions and general statements have been included for clarity.